Friday, 27 February 2015

Pregnancy | 37 Weeks

How far along? 37 weeks and 3 days. I can't believe I am considered full term and that my little boy could be born any day now!

Baby's size: He's the size of a winter melon, still 19-22 inches in length and around 6 and a half lbs.

Total weight gain: I still haven't weighed myself but my bump has shot out and is much heavier so I'm sure I will have put on some weight.

Maternity clothes: I bought some t-shirts from Asda the other day as I'm sick of nothing fitting me. They aren't maternity but I bought the next size up than I would usually buy.

Best moment this week: Being considered full term now is just amazing! I can't wait for him to be born. 

Miss anything? Being able to walk without waddling, haha! I say that it's not a waddle, it's my pregnancy swag ;)

Movement? He's still a right little wriggler, Mark says he's going to be the next Alan Shearer!

Food cravings: Still sweet things like chocolate and lemonade. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Still just when I get hungry.

Gender: Boy.

Symptoms: Back ache, braxton hicks, breathlessness, muscle pain, leg cramps, heartburn, swollen ankles, carpal tunnel. All the same as last week, and this is gross but I've started losing my mucus plug. It's gross but all a good sign that things are progressing!

Belly button in or out? Out.

Looking forward to: Meeting our son, it really is amazing that he can be born any day! I'm sure he will still make us wait though. He's been a tinker this whole pregnancy so why would he change now? Haha!

Other fun things to note: I bought an exercise ball from Argos at the weekend as it was getting so uncomfortable sitting on the sofa. The ball is the comfiest thing ever and I am so glad that I bought one! They're also good for getting the baby to engage and also getting them into the right position for labour :)

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