Wednesday, 28 January 2015

My Baby Shower

Last weekend was my baby shower! I know that really someone else is supposed to throw the baby shower for you, but no one offered so I thought hey! I'm going to throw myself one. And why not? 
It was a lovely day where all my friends and family came and we celebrated the upcoming birth of our son. I was supposed to take far more photos than I actually did, and I'm a bit upset that I didn't get any more photos but I was so busy rushing around making sure that everyone was okay and eating all the food that photos just didn't cross my mind until it was too late! 
I will say one negative thing though, never again will I throw a party when I am this pregnant! I was exhausted! It took me two days to get over it, haha. The night of my party when I got home, Mark and I ordered dominos and were both tucked up asleep in bed by 7pm. Not sure what his excuse for being so exhausted was ;) I then woke up at 10:30pm with the most horrendous leg ache of my life from walking around all day, since I had been up since 8:30am cooking all the food and then walking round at the party I hadn't really sat down all day. So Mark kindly got up and ran me a lovely bubble bath, then I got back into bed and fell straight back asleep again! 
Although, I was so exhausted it really was worth it and we had a lovely day celebrating our son, and he got well and truly spoiled by all the gorgeous presents we got for him! 

Marks auntie made us this gorgeous cake! She is so talented :)



  1. aw huge congrats lovely on being pregnant and also finding out its a boy , enjoy x

  2. aw lovely! and hats off for having the energy to throw it! x

    1. Trust me I wouldn't do it again in a hurry, haha! xx


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