Thursday, 15 January 2015

Mummy To Be Essential Pamper

Now that I really am in the final stretch of my pregnancy (8 weeks to go, eek!) I'm trying to find more time to pamper myself because I know that in just a few short weeks I won't even have the time to brush my hair! Not only that but with all my aches and pains and just general discomfort it's nice to set aside a bit of 'me time' so that I can just chill, unwind and start to feel slightly more human again!

So on a general pamper session I start by lighting a few candles. My favourite candle at the minute is a one I got for Christmas off Mark. It's the Snow In Love Yankee Candle. This honestly smells amazing and even when it isn't lit, if you leave the top off it makes the whole room smell gorgeous!

Next I will run myself a gorgeous hot bubble bath. I can't have a bath without bubbles in, I just can't. It doesn't feel right at all and I cant relax in it. No idea why! My favourite bubble bath of all time is a one from Avon in the scent White Lily. I had never tried this one until my sister recommended it to me, and the scent is just gorgeous. I find that all of the Avon bubble baths bubble up gorgeously and even though you really don't need that much to create endless bubbles, I still pour loads in because I just love the smell, and they're so cheap too so I don't feel like I'm wasting the product. 

Next, before getting in the bath I will remove all my makeup using the Garnier Micellar Water. I only bought this the other day so I am still trying the product out before I do a full review on it, but so far let's just say that I am mighty impressed with it! The cleanser I'm using at the minute again, I only bought the other day and it's the Ren Rosa Centifolia Hot Cloth Cleanser. Again, I will do a review on this product once I have used it for a few weeks. If I'm feeling especially kind to my skin I will also go in with an exfoliator at this point.

Once I have removed all my makeup and my skin is feeling all fresh I will then apply a face mask. I tend to chop and change and try out different ones and at the minute I've got a couple that Marks mam got me for Christmas that I have ready to try. She also got me these lovely Cool Cucumber Eye Pads which are really good for helping reduce eye bags and are especially refreshing if put in the fridge before use! I got the feeling that by the presents I got off most people this year for Christmas they were telling me that I need to make the most of 'me time' before the baby comes :)

So, once my face mask is applied I will then get myself into the bath and sit for about 10-15 minutes with the eye pads on. Once I feel that I have reaped the benefits from them, I will remove them and the face mask and then start reading a good book. At the minute I am reading a Danielle Steele book called Pegasus that Mark bought me for Christmas. He knows how much I love Danielle Steele so he always gets me a couple of her books for birthdays and Christmas :) 

I usually stay in the bath for a good hour to two hours as when I'm in the bath it takes all the pressures of the baby off my hips and back and its so nice to just be able to relax without feeling any discomfort. So I definitely take full advantage and stay in for as long as I can. When I get out I quickly get dried as it's always so cold once I get out! I will then lather myself in moisturiser because my skin is so dry at the minute. The one I'm particularly liking at the minute is the Garnier Intensive 7 Days. 

Then I will put on some lovely cosy pyjamas and get into bed. If I can be bothered, I will paint my nails. I wish I could afford nail extensions but with a baby on the way, not only can we not afford it, it's probably very impractical to have long nails!

So, once I'm feeling all lovely and relaxed after my gorgeous pamper, I will either just go straight to sleep or I will lie on my phone for a while until I'm tired enough to fall asleep. All this talk about pampering is making me want one now, so I think I will definitely be making the time to have one tonight!

What kinds of things do you include in your pamper nights?

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