Tuesday, 7 February 2017

2017 Goals | Lifestyle

Photo credit: LibreStock

I completely understand that we are into February now so I'm approximately a month late writing this but in my defence I have only just started writing on my blog again, but I still wanted to get one of these out there and written down. Is it just me who feels like things become more real when you write them down? Like I'm more likely going to follow through with them if I've written it down or if I've told somebody about it. So here I am writing down my goals for 2017 and hopefully at the end of the year I can look back on this blog post and say that I've fulfilled each one! 

I think my first goal for 2017 is a pretty obvious one in that I want to write on my blog more. I'd really like to get posts up on a regular basis and start to be able to write about more exciting things and hopefully gain a wider following on my blog. It's always nice to think that people are reading and enjoying what you're writing about! 

Another goal I have for 2017 is to learn how to do makeup like a pro! I watch people on YouTube do makeup all the time and I'd love to be able to do it myself! So I'm in the process of expanding my makeup collection so that I'm able to do more than just my basic foundation and mascara that I usually do! 

This brings me on to my next goal of taking more pride in my appearance. I feel like since I've become a Mam I've kind of lost myself in a sense that I'm so busy looking after Isaac and my home that I don't make enough time for myself which has really hit me lately and upset me because I always used to enjoy clothes and makeup etc. So I'd really like to take this year to start setting time aside for myself and looking after me more. After all, how can I look after anyone else if I'm not taking proper care of myself! 

My next goal for this year is to be able to take Isaac to more places. I need to sit and write a list of all the exciting places I can take him that I know he will enjoy! A couple I can think off the top of my head are Peppa Pig World, CBeebies Land at Alton Towers and the obvious places for kids like farms and zoo's. 

And finally, I have a YouTube channel at the minute where I upload videos of me doing nails for other people where I have over 4K subscribers. I'd really like to expand my channel to include makeup and lifestyle videos. I'd also really love to become brave enough to vlog my life so that I have videos to look back on in years to come. But like I say, I don't know if I'm brave enough!! 

So they are my goals for this year!! What are yours? Leave them in the comments! 



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