It's hard to believe that Isaac will be 2 years old in just a few weeks time. Since he was born life has been a complete whirlwind and it's sometimes hard to sit down and take this very moment to fully experience the amazing feeling of having such an intelligent, happy, busy and clever little boy.
I can't believe we have gone from having a little newborn bundle to a small human who has started using his imagination while playing and making his dinosaurs fight each other. (So cute to watch by the way!)
I get so wrapped up with life and getting daily tasks done that I sometimes take for granted the true beauty of motherhood and what an honour it is to be raising a child that we created out of love. The love I hold for Isaac is so unconditional I couldn't imagine ever feeling any differently towards him. Even when he is having a meltdown because I've said no to his fifth slice of cheese in a row or because I'm trying to dress him and he wants to run around naked, I look upon it with love and find it hard not to laugh at his cute little attitude! I'm sure I won't find it funny when he's 14 and giving me his lip, but for now I'm going to take his full cuteness/attitude in my stride and hopefully lovingly nudge him in the right direction in life.
I'm not sure where I'm going with this post or what the purpose of it is. I have so many emotions and feelings flooding through my body when it comes to my little boy that it's sometimes hard to express them. I do feel like I'm very clingy towards him, but surely it's understandable. Maybe I'm one of a few who wants to spend every living moment with their child, and hate the moments we spend apart. Maybe that will change as he grows, but for the moment I'm okay with it. He won't need me forever, so I want to take full advantage of how much he relies on me for now.
He's my little ray of sunshine and I couldn't imagine my life without him! I can't even think of what I used to do with my time before him. And as I sit here and he runs over and grabs me shouting 'cuggle!' And squeezing me so tightly, I know that this love is going to last me a lifetime.
So shine bright baby boy! Mammy loves you with all her heart!! Keep doing what you're doing, because you're turning into an amazing little boy and we are so proud of you. My little ray of sunshine, Isaac Mark Finn.
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