Friday, 10 February 2017

Doing My Sisters Makeup | Beauty

If you have read my 2017 goals blog post you will know that this year I want to start learning how to better do makeup. So my sister let me have a little play on her face and I did her makeup for her. I was really happy with how it came out but I fully know there is tons of room for improvement which I'm excited to carry out! 

I hadn't actually planned on writing a blog post about this but my Mam was having a play on her new camera and taking photos of us so I thought I might as well! That being said, I can't remember most of the products I used as I was just kind of playing it by ear and putting things on without really thinking too much about it. I was just having fun to be honest!! 

I did remember the eyeshadow palette that I used however as how could anyone forget such a beauty?! It was the Morphe 35O palette. This palette actually belongs to my sister and I can't tell you how jealous I am of her!! I have looked everywhere for this palette and it is out of stock everywhere. I'm dying to own one! It's so beautiful to work with and the colour range is amazing! I will definitely keep trying to find one. 

Let me know what you think of this makeup look! Have you ever used a Morphe eyeshadow palette? What did you think? 


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