Sunday, 4 January 2015

Weekly Roundup In Photos

I wish that I could say that I have had a lovely chilled out week this week but I really haven't! We've been trying to get everything sorted for the baby before Mark goes back to work on Monday as we won't get another chance! 
I got a gorgeous changing bag off my mam for Christmas that I just had to share a photo of with you. I cried when I opened it, its so lovely and gorgeous! 
Another thing that was gorgeous was the snow that we got on Boxing Day at my mams! It literally chucked it down all night and the next morning everything was covered in white, so pretty :) 
I thought I would also share a photo of my little Alfie cat being all cute, he must have missed us when we were away at my mams because he slept next to us on the bed all night which he never ever does!
We finally got round to opening our Christmas presents off my dad and they had gotten us this gorgeous little heart plaque that says 'Babies are blessings from above, they fill our hearts with lots of love' I love it!!
And of course there's a shameless New Years Eve selfie of Mark and I, and finally a sneak preview of the colour we went for, for the babys room :)

How's your week been, what did you do for New Year?  

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