Monday, 2 February 2015

January Favourites

Well can you believe that it is February already! I can officially now say that my due date is next month, that is both exciting and scary all in the same breath! I thought I would share with you a couple of things I have been loving during the month of January!

First of all is this Easy Tease brush. It's definitely a dupe for the Tangle Teaser, which I have never used so can't compare them but what I can say is how amazing this brush is! It literally glides through my tangles and doesn't hurt at all no matter how tatty my hair gets. I have reasonably long hair, and because it is bleached it gets tangled and knotted very easily, especially when it is wet but this brushes through them so easily I don't think I will ever go back to using a regular brush! I got this for Christmas but I have seen them in Home Bargains and I think, but don't quote me on this, that they are a round about £3 so definitely affordable and definitely worth the price, in my opinion!

Next I have been loving the Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation. I have been using this foundation for quite a while now and I have gone off and used other foundations but nothing has compared to this! It really gives my skin the flawless finish that I want. It's really hydrating on the skin which is what I find difficult with foundations, I always find that foundations cling to my dry patches but this never does. Also, it is the perfect colour for my skin tone, which is another thing I find difficult with foundations!

I've also definitely been loving the Garnier Intensive 7 Days moisturiser. I think I've raved about this a couple of times on my blog but this winter this has just been my life saver! It really does help keep my skin hydrated, especially on my bump which has started to become dry and irritated due to the stretching. This moisturiser also smells gorgeous, so that's always a plus!

Finally, I have been loving the Next Gold perfume this month. I used this a couple of years ago and absolutely fell in love with the smell but then I could never find it again in Next so I thought they had stopped doing it. But a couple of months ago I was in Next and smelling all their perfumes when I realised they had just changed the bottle! Which is why I could never find it because I was always looking for the bottle that I had originally, I'm so dumb! So I asked Mark to buy me this for Christmas, which he kindly did and I absolutely love it!

So that's all for my January favourites! Make sure you let me know in the comments what you have been loving in January :)


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