Thursday, 5 June 2014

The Lazy Girls Skincare Routine

When it comes to skincare I have a love/hate relationship. I love the results a strict regime brings, but I hate the effort. At the end of a long day, there's nothing I want to do more that climb straight in to bed with a face full of makeup and care not until the morning. But for many reasons I can't do that. First off, sleeping in your makeup is disgusting. Secondly, I once heard that every night you sleep in your makeup your skin ages seven days. Now I'm not sure how true that is but I sure don't want to test it! 
My skincare routine can definitely be described as the lazy girl routine. I do very little. I don't cleanse or tone. Horrible, I know! But I just can't be bothered. You wouldn't think that I'm a trained beauty therapist would you! I have extremely dry and dehydrated skin so I just find that the more products I put on my face, makes it all the more dry. 

So here is what I do and use..
First of all, to take off my makeup I use the Simple Kind To Skin Moisturising face wash. I really like this product because its kind to skin, and has no soap in it whatsoever so it doesn't dry my skin out. 
Next, I use my Dermatological Cetraben Emollient Cream. I got this from my doctor as I have eczema on my neck and chest, and he said that I can use this as a moisturising face wash too. 
Then, I have two exfoliators. I use the St Ives Fresh Skin Invigorating exfoliator once a week as this is a much harsher scrub than the Botanics Purifying Face Scrub which I use every morning before I put my makeup on to get rid of all the dead skin cells that cause my makeup to go patchy.
Finally for moisturising I have two that I use. Every morning I will apply some of this Clean & Clear Dual Action moisturiser. Most nights I will also apply this but some nights when my face just needs a little extra I will apply some of my Rescue Oil as my skin is very dry, dehydrated and blemished and this oil really helps with that! I don't use this very often as I don't like the feeling of the oil on my face but when I do use this I can really see the results after just one night! It's actually a really great product and was so cheap. I also use the T-Zone Rapid Action Spot Zapping Gel on my spots when I have a breakout.

So there's my lazy girl skincare routine! Please don't judge me, I'm just lazy ;)


  1. That was really fun to read. No judging, of course. I'm also a lazy girl!! Loved the routine!

    1. Aw thank you! I think that as long as you find the skin care regime that is right for you it doesn't have to be all fancy! And all my products were bought on a budget :)
      Thanks for your comment and glad you enjoyed! xx


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