Saturday, 21 June 2014

Recipe | First attempt at Macarons

Okay, so can I just say that I am well aware that these do not look anything at all like Macarons! And they do not taste like them either, haha. But for a first attempt I guess they're okay. I will definitely work on it, and next time I will use a proper Macaron mould as this time I just did it freehand and it didn't work. Also, I didn't use ground almonds because I didn't have any so that's probably why they taste like a meringue more than Macarons. But in any case I thought I would share the recipe with you anyways so you can give them a try! :) I was under the impression that Macarons were really really difficult to make but I found this recipe really quick and simple, even though they didn't turn out to look the way they should, I blame that on the lack of a mould! 

4 egg whites
70g castor sugar
120g icing sugar, sifted
chocolate spread

1. Whisk together the egg whites and castor sugar until stiff. You should be able to hold your bowl upside down and the mixture shouldn't move. Go on hold it over your head, I dare you!
2. Add any desired food colouring paste. I used pink but definitely not enough as it didn't show up at all once cooked.
3. Gently fold in the icing sugar. 
4. Pour the mixture into a piping bag or ziplock bag with the corner cut out and pipe circles onto none stick baking paper.
5. Bake at 150 degrees celcius for approximately 20 minutes until the Macarons feel firm and are slightly risen.
6. Leave to cool on the paper and then carefully peel off.
7. Pair similar sized Macarons and add your filling, I used chocolate spread but you can really use anything you like :)

I hope you try this recipe out and enjoy it! I would definitely recommend getting the Macaron mould though, as you can see it didn't work too well for me without one!


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