Saturday, 7 June 2014

Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Haul

Hello my gorgeous people! I've done it again, I've had a little bit of a naughty spend. I am really trying hard to look after my money lately, but sometimes I just can't help myself. I've always been bad with money and if I want something I just go ahead and get it, not thinking of the consequences. I know, I'm terrible! 
I don't feel TOO bad about these purchases because two of them I have had my eye on for ages and that's the Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet in Peach Club. I got this from Boots for £8.99. I've wanted one of these for a while because I've really been on the hunt for a lipstick that will stay put all day and this really does that, even after eating which is great. I also bought the Barry M Gelly Hi Shine Nail Paint in Sugar Apple from Superdrug for £3.99. I LOVE this colour, its so bright and summery and let's be honest we are not getting much of a summer at the minute, so I've decided to let my nails be the summer!

Next, I went to The Body Shop. When I say to my husband 'ooo let's go into The Body Shop' I always get the same eye-roll 'you're not spending loads' line! But it never ever stops me. I went in originally to have a look for the Blueberry body butter but I ended up buying the Olive one instead because I much preferred it. I mean let's be honest, I probably have enough body butter in my bathroom to last me the rest of my life but this was £5! They're usually £13 so I was super duper excited that they were reduced, I almost bought two but I was a very good beauty blogger and only bought the one. Yep, I deserve some sort of medal for that! I also bought from The Body Shop this Colour Crush eyeshadow in Melt My Heart. I really love the eyehshadows from The Body Shop, and this goldy brown colour is definitely one I would wear every day so well worth the £7 it cost.

So that's my naughty little haul for the week, no doubt there will be another next week. 


  1. I tried that bourjois lippie a week ago and I fell in love with it instantly. I think the shade is gorgeous!!! I'm sure it looks great. The nailpolish was a bargain in my opionion! Great post :) x

    By the way! I've tagged you in the Would You Rather tag! Feel free to do it!

    1. Aw thank you, I love doing tags!
      I love the lipstick its gorgeous, and super bright for summer!

      Thanks for your comment :) xx


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