Friday, 27 February 2015

Pregnancy | 37 Weeks

How far along? 37 weeks and 3 days. I can't believe I am considered full term and that my little boy could be born any day now!

Baby's size: He's the size of a winter melon, still 19-22 inches in length and around 6 and a half lbs.

Total weight gain: I still haven't weighed myself but my bump has shot out and is much heavier so I'm sure I will have put on some weight.

Maternity clothes: I bought some t-shirts from Asda the other day as I'm sick of nothing fitting me. They aren't maternity but I bought the next size up than I would usually buy.

Best moment this week: Being considered full term now is just amazing! I can't wait for him to be born. 

Miss anything? Being able to walk without waddling, haha! I say that it's not a waddle, it's my pregnancy swag ;)

Movement? He's still a right little wriggler, Mark says he's going to be the next Alan Shearer!

Food cravings: Still sweet things like chocolate and lemonade. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Still just when I get hungry.

Gender: Boy.

Symptoms: Back ache, braxton hicks, breathlessness, muscle pain, leg cramps, heartburn, swollen ankles, carpal tunnel. All the same as last week, and this is gross but I've started losing my mucus plug. It's gross but all a good sign that things are progressing!

Belly button in or out? Out.

Looking forward to: Meeting our son, it really is amazing that he can be born any day! I'm sure he will still make us wait though. He's been a tinker this whole pregnancy so why would he change now? Haha!

Other fun things to note: I bought an exercise ball from Argos at the weekend as it was getting so uncomfortable sitting on the sofa. The ball is the comfiest thing ever and I am so glad that I bought one! They're also good for getting the baby to engage and also getting them into the right position for labour :)

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Review | Blistex Intensive Moisturiser

I have naturally dry skin, my lips, hands, elbows; everything gets dry! So I'm always on the look out for new ways to make my skin luxuriously soft as for me that's a novelty! I never have soft skin so when I find something that helps me achieve this, I want to shout about it from the rooftops!

I picked up this Blistex Intensive Moisturiser from Superdrug about two weeks ago. I kind of just bought it on a whim and I didn't have too high expectations of it as I have literally tried everything to make my lips soft and not the dry, chapped mess that they always are! Literally, I have tried lip balms, lip butters, lip scrubs and nothing makes them hydrated and don't even talk to me about lipsticks. I had kind of accepted the fact that I couldn't wear lipstick with my dry lips. 

That was until I discovered this little beauty! So as I said when I picked this up I didn't really expect much from it and the first couple of times I used it I didn't see a real difference but I persevered. At first I applied this moisturiser every time I remembered to during the day and after about three or four days I noticed my lips were so soft and felt so hydrated! I was amazed! I've even recently been and treated myself to a new lipstick and lip liner as now my lipstick goes on gorgeously, finally!

This moisturiser goes on white, then changes to a clear lip gloss type consistency and even that makes my lips look super healthy. Once it has dried in completely my lips look and feel gorgeous, I am seriously impressed! I now only apply this once a day and that's enough to keep my dry lips at bay. I will definitely be repurchasing this when it runs out! Even though it only looks like a small tube I've been using this once a day for the past week or so and there is still loads left so I think it will last a while. I picked this up from Superdrug for £2.59, you can find it here. (At the time of posting this review Superdrug are selling this product on offer for £1.29, so hurry and get yours!)

I would definitely recommend this to anyone who suffers with dry lips. Even if you don't suffer from dry lips there's no harm in caring for your lips! Blistex have a range of lip moisturisers so you can find which one will suit your lips. Let me know in the comments if you have used any of the Blistex range, and what you thought!


Monday, 23 February 2015

10 Things that have made me happy recently!

I saw a post like this recently and thought it would be a really nice idea to do one regularly as it's always nice to reflect on life and remember the things to be grateful for, instead of just focusing on the bad things in life. Not that I do tend to dwell on the bad aspects of my life, but sitting around and waiting for the baby to arrive gives me plenty of thinking time, so I thought it would be nice to reflect on happy times!

1. Spending quality time with my husband, going for lunch and coffee etc. We are making the most of it now before there won't be two anymore, there'll be three!

2. My new Yankee candles! I've been lighting them everyday. They are both so gorgeous, and it made it even better that they were bargain prices.

3. Nesting! My house has never been so clean, and it's definitely refreshing having a good spring clean, even if it isn't spring quite yet.

4. Making travel plans for me, Mark and our baby for next year.

5. Meeting my new little niece, Rosie. She is so gorgeous!

6. Having another scan of our baby boy and knowing that everything is healthy with him.

7. Making my 2015 planner all pretty and fun, using some stickers and coloured pens I bought from Paperchase.

8. Finding old photos and memories of Mark and I from when we first met and then from our wedding.
9. Candle lit dinners with my one true love, with strawberries and Shloer pretending it's champagne!

10. Counting down the days, and knowing it won't be long before our little boy will be born makes me the happiest ever! I can't wait for him to get here, he could be born any day now!

I hope this post inspires you to think of all the happy things in your life, and I'd love for you to do a post like this yourself. Make sure you let me know if you do. :)

Friday, 20 February 2015

Review | REN Rosa Centifolia Hot Cloth Cleanser

Like I said in my Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water review, I decided that I needed a new skin care routine as my skin was looking so dull and just awful! I knew that I wanted to use a hot cloth cleanser but just didn't know which one to go for. I think when you say hot cloth cleanser, everyone's first instinct is to recommend Liz Earle, however I have already tried the Liz Earle hot cloth cleanser so I really just wanted to try something different. 

I had heard about the REN skincare range but never really looked into it, so I decided to go on their website and also to look up some reviews on it. Everything I read about this product made me want to try it, so I decided to take the plunge and headed down to my local Marks and Spencer to pick one up. At £16 a bottle this is normally totally out of my price range, but I decided to treat myself and go for a more high end cleanser than just your average drugstore one. 

I have been really enjoying using this product. It's really light and easy to apply onto the face, and the scent is gorgeous. I definitely noticed from the very first use of this cleanser a huge difference to my skin. My skin is usually very dry and dull but after using this cleanser my skin feels super soft and has even got a nice pink tone, which I usually never have! 

I definitely think that this cleanser is worth the £16, I have been using it for about a month now and I'm not even halfway down the tube so I think it will last me at least another two months! So £16 every three months isn't that much at all, when you think about it!

One negative thing about this cleanser isn't really about the cleanser at all but about the hot cloth that comes with it. It is tiny! I know that you get it for free when you buy the cleanser but I was very disappointed by the size of it. I went to Asda and bought a pack of 2 flannels for 50p so it's not too bad, but if anything I think that REN could make their hot cloths a little bigger. 

Have you tried this product? Let me know in the comments what you thought.

What the bottle says:
A rich two-phase cleanser that purifies, decongests, gently exfoliates and removes all make-up. It leaves skin refreshed, radiant, smoothed and replenished without dryness or tightness.


Thursday, 19 February 2015

Pregnancy | 36 Weeks

How far along? 36 weeks and 2 days.

Baby's size: He's the size of a large cantaloupe, 19-22 inches in length and around 6lbs.

Total weight gain: I haven't weighed myself since a few weeks ago but everyone has said that my tummy has just shot out so I reckon I've put a bit more on.

Maternity clothes: Yeah, still wearing maternity clothes.

Best moment this week: Finding out at my midwife appointment that he is 4/5ths engaged! It makes me happy that things are progressing and my body is doing what it is supposed to dol.

Miss anything? Not feeling fat in everything! I can't wait until he is born and I can buy some new clothes!

Movement? Yep, all the time! It's getting quite painful now as he is running out of room.

Food cravings: Still sweet things like chocolate and lemonade. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Only when I don't eat enough and I am hungry all of the time!

Gender: Boy.

Symptoms: Back ache, braxton hicks, breathlessness, muscle pain, leg cramps, heartburn, swollen ankles, carpal tunnel.

Belly button in or out? My belly button has officially popped! It looks gross!

Looking forward to: My mam coming up on the 14th March so she can be here in time for his birth, unless he comes earlier than that in which case she will just jump straight in the car.

Other fun things to note: I had my midwife appointment today and he is 4/5th engaged! It's so excited that things are progressing towards his birth now. I really can't wait :)

Monday, 16 February 2015

Review | Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water

So I fully realise that I am very very late to the Micellar Water party, but in my defense I have been wanting to try this for months and months but just never got round to picking one up. Well I decided a few weeks ago that I needed to change my skin care routine, and by change I mean create myself a routine as I hadn't been doing anything with my skin. I know, disgusting! I had been using face wipes to take off my makeup which is even more gross! But I had started to notice that my skin was looking so dull and really just needing a little boost. 

So anyways, I decided to try the Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water as a way of taking off my makeup before going in with a cleanser. I have read both good and bad reviews for months about this cleansing water, so I didn't really know what to expect from it and how I would get on with it on my skin. But let me tell you, I have been loving it! Literally, it takes two seconds to take the majority of my makeup off! No matter how much makeup I have on this cleansing water literally just wipes it away. Its amazing! I was definitely not expecting it to be this good. 

I use four cotton pads and that's it. Two for my eyes, and then two for the rest of my face and that's all it needs. Although I would say that if I wasn't going in with a cleanser afterwards I would probably use a couple more cotton pads just to make sure that all of the makeup was definitely off. 

One bad thing I will say though, is that sometimes when I take my eye makeup off with this cleansing water, it really stings my eyes for a few seconds but then it stops, so I haven't felt the need to stop using it. 

I have been using this product for about a month now and I'm only about a quarter of the way down the bottle, so I can tell that this is going to last me a while and because it is only £4.99 (it is reduced in Boots at the minute to £3.33, click here.) it is definitely worth the price!

I would recommend this product to anyone who wants a nice, fresh and easy way to take off their makeup! Let me know in the comments if you've tried the Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water and what you thought of it :) 

What the bottle says:
Yes, if you are looking for an efficient and easy to use product that cleanses and removes make-up gently in 1 step.

Micellar Cleansing Water is an easy way to remove make-up, soothe and hydrate the face, eye area, and lips, in 1 step without rinsing.

For the 1st time, Garnier introduces the Micellar technology in an all-in-one cleanser. Like a magnet, the cleansing agents capture and lift away dirt from the skin. No need to rub to remove impurities and make-up.

Perfectly cleansed and refreshed skin without rubbing or rinsing. 
Micellar Cleansing Water has a soothing and fragrance free formula that suits all skin types, even sensitive.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Valentine's Chocolate Cake Recipe

Mark and I don't usually do anything for Valentine's Day, we buy each other a card and he usually buys me flowers but that's about it. This year I decided to make him a heart shaped chocolate cake, so I thought I would share the recipe I used with you all. It's really quick and easy, and a cheap alternative for those who can't afford to spend a lot of money on Valentine's presents. I also feel that it is a lot more personal when it's home made :)

I used a recipe by Dr. Oetker, you can find the full recipe here.

For the Cake:
225g (8oz) butter
225g (8oz) castor sugar
4 medium eggs
175g (6oz) self raising flour, sieved
50g (2oz) cocoa powder

For the Icing:
75g (3oz) unsalted butter
175g (6oz) icing sugar
45g (3tbsp) cocoa powder
about 10ml of milk or warm water

This is actually a recipe for a chocolate Victoria Sponge Cake but I just put the whole mixture into my heart shaped tin instead of separating it into two circle tins. I think I got my heart shaped tin from B&M's and I'm pretty sure it was only about £3. I can't remember exactly as I've had it for quite a while. I used strawberries and sugar decorations to decorate the cake but you can be as creative as you like with this :)

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C (gas mark 4). Grease and line your tin.

2. Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in the eggs and if the mixture starts to curdle, add a little flour.

3. Fold in the remaining flour and cocoa powder with a metal spoon.

4. Transfer the mixture into the tin and bake for approx 25 minutes until golden brown and firm to the touch. (Helpful tip: insert a skewer or cocktail stick into the centre of the cake, if the skewer comes out clean the cake is cooked.) Remove from the oven and leave to cool before turning out onto a wire rack.

5. To make the butter icing, place the butter in a bowl and beat until soft. Gradually sift and beat in the icing sugar and then add enough milk/water to make the icing fluffy and spreadable. Sift and beat the cocoa powder in to the icing and spread over the top of the cake. 

6. Leave the cake as it is or get creative and decorate!

I found that this recipe was really quick and easy to follow and I'm sure Mark will say it tastes delicious :) I hope everyone has a lovely Valentine's Day, let me know in the comments if you try out this cake! 


Monday, 9 February 2015

What I got for my birthday!

It was my birthday on the 5th and its safe to say that I was well and truly spoilt  by everyone! Mark woke me up at 7:30am because he was so excited to give me my presents, bless him, but I mean come on! 7:30?!
I got up anyways and he gave me my main present straight away which I am super chuffed about and am using right now! It's this gorgeous new purple laptop!!!
The laptop that I usually use is Mark's dads but he needs it back so Mark took the opportunity to buy me my own brand new laptop! I have never owned my own laptop before and I'm over the moon with it! It will take a bit of getting used to as everything is different on this one, but I just love it.
Mark also put together a bag of presents off the baby which I thought was a gorgeous idea! The baby 'bought' me a lovely notebook that I've had my eye one for ages, Gone Girl on DVD as I've read the book but haven't seen the film, a book, a bible study book for mothers and a box of chocolates. He also got me a card that said Happy Birthday Mum on the front, and it all got a bit much for me and I shed a few tears! What a wimp, haha :)
Off family I got some Sanctuary bath sets as Sanctuary is my favourite bath time treat, a coconut bath set from The Body Shop, some gorgeous hand lotion, an eyeshadow set, nail varnish, face cream and serum from Marks and Spencers, more chocolate and money. My sister in law got me a little fridge magnet that says 'I love my mummy' on it which I think is so cute!
For my birthday we went to my dads with my brother and his wife for a Chinese takeaway which was lovely as I've been craving one for weeks! Then at the weekend Mark and I went to the cinema to see The Theory of Everything :)
So overall, I feel very loved and spoilt! As a little disclaimer, I don't want people to think I'm showing off as I'm not like that at all. I love reading posts like this so thought I would do one myself :)

My Frozen birthday cake! I refused to eat Olaf!!

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Pregnancy | 34 Weeks

How far along? 34 weeks and 4 days.

Baby's size: He's the size of a pineapple! 19-22 inches long and should be weighing in at 4.9lbs. We had a scan on Thursday though and he's weighing 5lbs 2oz so I think he's definitely going to be a chunk when he's born!

Total weight gain: Finally I weighed myself! At my midwife appointment on Thursday there was a trace of glucose in my urine which can mean gestational diabetes. But because it's the first time it's been in my urine she said she will wait until my next appointment and if there's still glucose present I will be sent to the hospital for blood tests to see if I have gestational diabetes. So I thought it was best to weigh myself and keep track of things. Overall I have put on exactly 2 stone since being pregnant. I'm really chuffed with this as I was expecting far more!

Maternity clothes: Yep! Definitely, all my ordinary clothes just look silly. I can still wear my ordinary leggings though.

Best moment this week: Seeing our gorgeous son on the scan! Even though it was only a 2D scan you could see everything! We saw that he has proper chubby little cheeks, definitely has his dads lips and has hair on his head. He kept putting his foot in his mouth and kicking himself in the head which is so cute! We also found out that my placenta has moved right up out of the way so it will be safe for me to deliver him naturally which I am so relieved about!

Miss anything? Nothing really this week.

Movement? Yes, he still moves all the time! I love feeling him :)

Food cravings: Sweet stuff! If I could I would eat chocolate and ice-cream all the time. I've been trying to eat healthier sweet stuff like grapes, pears and plums. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? No, nothing this week. I've been getting horrendous heartburn though.

Gender: Definitely still a boy! We double checked at the scan :)

Symptoms: Back ache, braxton hicks, breathlessness, muscle pain, nausea, leg cramps. All the same as last week. 

Belly button in or out? Still in funnily enough! I thought it would have popped by now.

Looking forward to: Everything that I had to look forward to before the baby comes is over now, so it's just going to be me sitting round and waiting for his arrival!

Other fun things to note: We finally got the cot! It looks gorgeous, I love it so much! Also, we had a little scare last weekend as I was having tightenings every 5 minutes lasting a minute and some mild back pain. So I rang labour and delivery and they told me just to come straight in. When we got there they put me on the monitor and the contractions were coming up on the monitor so they decided to keep me in over night. They did a test on me also to see how likely it would be for me to go into labour in the next two weeks and it came back as a less than 2% chance which was really reassuring. I want him to cook for as long as possible! The next morning they put me back on the monitor and the contractions were still showing up but not as regularly as before so they were happy to send me home. The doctor said that it just seems like I have a very sensitive stomach with a very active baby so I feel Braxton Hicks contractions (practise contractions) a lot more than other people. This makes me worried for labour, if I have a sensitive stomach surely that means I will feel pain more! Also I was told that baby was lying in the back to back position, so all week I was spending 10 minutes a day on my hands and knees as I had been told that this turns them, and thank goodness at my midwife appointment she said that he's moved!!

Friday, 6 February 2015

What's in baby's hospital bag?

I recently did a 'What's in my hospital bag' post which you can read here, so I thought it only fair to do a baby one too. For my baby's hospital bag I am using his changing bag that I got off my mam for Christmas. Its from the Pink Lining range and I cried my eyes out when I opened this on Christmas day because I wanted one so bad but they're quite expensive so I had told myself I wasn't going to get one. 
So let's get straight into what's inside..

- A pack of 50 Johnson's baby cotton pads
- 200 fragranced nappy bags
- A pack of 12 sensitive Pampers wipes
- 2 Changing mats
- Small tube of Johnson's baby nappy cream
- Small tub of Sudocrem
- Handy wipes
- 3 Muslin squares
- Loose change for parking
- His Mickey teddy comforter
- 4 pairs of mittens
- 4 bibs
- 4 vests, all different sizes as we don't know how big or small he will be
- 2 cardigans
- 2 hats
- 3 sleepsuits
- 4 pairs of socks

As I said for my hospital bag I went online to find out what I should pack for my baby, there's lots of websites that are helpful! I hope this post helps, too. Also, as I said in my previous post we don't live very far from the hospital so if I run out of anything or if the baby needs more clothes my mam or Mark can pop back home and bring them to the hospital. So that's both our bags all packed and ready to go, just have to wait for little man to make his appearance now! 6 weeks and counting :) If you want to know where anything is from just ask me in the comments!


Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Whats in my hospital bag?

Last Friday night we had a little scare where I was admitted into hospital with contractions coming every 5 minutes and lasting for about a minute. The hospital were confident I wasn't in labour but I thought it would be best if I got my hospital bag packed just in case anything like that happens again. 

For my hospital bag I'm using this basic wheeled hold-all that I got from Argos for £12.99. It's more than big enough to fit everything I need and its even better that it has wheels so that you can pull it along instead of carry it. 
So what have I packed?

For during labour:
- A huge comfy nightie to give birth in
- Two pairs of comfy socks
- A spray bottle for if i get too hot
- Chewing gum
- Blistex lip balm
 - Bobbles and clips
- In the front pocket of my toiletries bag I have a list of important numbers I might need while in labour just in case my phone breaks or runs out of battery.
- Pregnancy notes

For after labour:
- 8 pairs of big knickers
- 20 Always maxi pads
- A black lightweight dressing gown
- 2 black vests with hidden support
- A pair of baggy lightweight pyjama bottoms
- A pair of joggy bottoms
- A pair of slippers
- Makeup remover wipes
- 2 spare t-shirts for Mark
- A toiletries bag
- A flannel
- A loofa
 - Shower gel
- A razor
- Vaseline deodarant
- Palmers cocoa butter lotion
 - Mum & Me hand sanitiser
- Boots moisturising nipple cream
- A travel size Bastiste dry shampoo
- A hairbrush
- A comb
- Toothpaste
- 3 toothbrushes (for me, Mark and my mam)
- 10 breast pads
- Handy wipes

Things that I haven't packed yet are my phone charger, makeup and pillow but I have a note on top of my bag to remind me when the time comes to put them in my bag. Also, I have two nursing bra's but I need to take them back and change them for a bigger size. I'm also planning on getting some Lucozade Sport to put in my back and some snacks and magazines. We only live 10 minutes away from the hospital so if I have forgotten anything or run out of anything then I can always send Mark or my mam to get me it. 

These few things wouldn't fit in baby's bag so I've popped them in mine. It's his snowsuit in case it's cold when we bring him home, a nice warm blanket, and a pack of 23 Pampers New Baby Sensitive nappies. I think I will probably need more than this but my mam or Mark can always bring some up to the hospital if I do.

I hope this helps any of you who aren't sure what to pack. I went on the NHS website where they give you a list of helpful things to pack. You can find that here. I haven't listed where I bought anything from so if you'd like to know, just ask me in the comments. Thanks for reading! :)


Monday, 2 February 2015

A letter to my Son..

Dear Baby Finn,

I wanted to write you this letter so that it be documented here until you are old enough to read it. Right now you are rolling around inside my tummy, just reminding mammy that even though I am sat at home on my own while your daddy is at work, I am not alone. I'm not sure that you ever really sleep as you move around so much all day long. I love the feeling of your little feet kicking out and the feeling of you moving backwards and forwards to either side of my tummy.  

I can't wait until you get here and I can kiss and cuddle you all day long. I can't wait to see how tiny your toes are, how beautiful your eyes are and how much hair you will have on your head. Me and your daddy keep trying to guess who you will look like the most. When you were 16 weeks old we went to have a 4D scan to find out whether you were a boy or a girl. You made us wait a lot longer than we had hoped as you had your legs crossed at first but I knew all along that you were a boy. Everyone else kept telling me girl but I just knew that this incredible life inside me was a little boy, a son for us. In the photos that we were given at that scan it looks to us like you have your daddy's lips. I'm so pleased that you at least resemble your daddy in some way, I am so proud of both of you. 

I hope you will love your bedroom as much as we do. Your daddy and I spent a long time planning and decorating your room just right! We want you to have the best of everything because you deserve it. We have waited so long for you, and it hasn't been an easy ride. You've been a bit of a tinker this pregnancy but I love you regardless! I'm sure that it is a sign of things to come, but just know that no matter what you do in the future your daddy and I will always love you, and we will always support you. We've waited so long for you. 

You're due to be born in 6 little weeks time and me and your daddy are so excited to finally meet you! To be a little family, together. You will never know the love that I have for you in my heart, I can't imagine how I will feel when I finally see your face when I feel this much love for you when we have yet to meet. I pray everyday that you will get here safely and that you will grow up to be a strong man with a fire in your belly for God. I hope you enjoy going to church and that you make lots of friends who will influence you in a positive way. Sometimes things in this world can be difficult and I wish I could shield you from it all but just remember that God loves you, and so do we. 

I can't wait until the day that we meet, your 'birth day'. I often wonder if you will be early or late. I can imagine that you'll keep up with being a little tinker and make us wait until you make your grand entrance. But just as long as you get here into our arms safely, you can take as long as you wish! 

So until we meet, my sweet little son, you just keep growing inside me and keep getting stronger! Mammy and daddy love you so much.

All my love my son,


January Favourites

Well can you believe that it is February already! I can officially now say that my due date is next month, that is both exciting and scary all in the same breath! I thought I would share with you a couple of things I have been loving during the month of January!

First of all is this Easy Tease brush. It's definitely a dupe for the Tangle Teaser, which I have never used so can't compare them but what I can say is how amazing this brush is! It literally glides through my tangles and doesn't hurt at all no matter how tatty my hair gets. I have reasonably long hair, and because it is bleached it gets tangled and knotted very easily, especially when it is wet but this brushes through them so easily I don't think I will ever go back to using a regular brush! I got this for Christmas but I have seen them in Home Bargains and I think, but don't quote me on this, that they are a round about £3 so definitely affordable and definitely worth the price, in my opinion!

Next I have been loving the Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation. I have been using this foundation for quite a while now and I have gone off and used other foundations but nothing has compared to this! It really gives my skin the flawless finish that I want. It's really hydrating on the skin which is what I find difficult with foundations, I always find that foundations cling to my dry patches but this never does. Also, it is the perfect colour for my skin tone, which is another thing I find difficult with foundations!

I've also definitely been loving the Garnier Intensive 7 Days moisturiser. I think I've raved about this a couple of times on my blog but this winter this has just been my life saver! It really does help keep my skin hydrated, especially on my bump which has started to become dry and irritated due to the stretching. This moisturiser also smells gorgeous, so that's always a plus!

Finally, I have been loving the Next Gold perfume this month. I used this a couple of years ago and absolutely fell in love with the smell but then I could never find it again in Next so I thought they had stopped doing it. But a couple of months ago I was in Next and smelling all their perfumes when I realised they had just changed the bottle! Which is why I could never find it because I was always looking for the bottle that I had originally, I'm so dumb! So I asked Mark to buy me this for Christmas, which he kindly did and I absolutely love it!

So that's all for my January favourites! Make sure you let me know in the comments what you have been loving in January :)

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