Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Pregnancy | 27 Weeks

How far along? 27 weeks exactly!

Baby's size: He's about the size of a cucumber! 15 inches long and weighing in at 2.2 pounds.

Total weight gain: I haven't weighed myself this week.

Maternity clothes: I still need to get some more tops, all mine are ridiculously tight now. I wore a shirt top a couple of days ago and nearly fainted because it was so tight!

Best moment this week: Meeting up with some old school friends who have all recently had babies was really nice! I haven't seen any of them since school and it was lovely to catch up and talk all things baby related. It'll also be really nice to meet up when the baby is here and all our babies can play together :)

Miss anything? I'm really missing being able to get comfortable, still like last week. I'm finding it really difficult at the minute. I hate saying that I don't enjoy pregnancy because I feel so blessed to be having a baby but if I'm being honest, I don't think I'm cut out for pregnancy. I wouldn't change it for the world though, I will go through all the discomfort a million times just to get my baby!

Movement? I went into hospital on Saturday night as I hadn't felt him moving as much for a few days and when he did kick it wasn't as strong as what it had been so obviously I was getting nervous. The midwife was really lovely and she listened to his heartbeat and assured me it was nice and strong and not to worry. She explained that as he gets bigger his movements won't be as pronounced as he doesn't have as much room to stretch out as when he was younger. I feel much better about it now, but I'm glad that I went in to get checked.

Food cravings: I have at least two bowls of coco pops a day. I love them!

Anything making you queasy or sick? I've still been feeling nauseous a lot lately. I've heard that morning sickness can come back in the third trimester, but I really hope it doesn't!!

Gender: Boy.

Symptoms: Nausea, leg cramps, back ache, itchy stomach, dry skin.

Belly button in or out? Still in, for now.

Looking forward to: CHRISTMAS!!!

Other fun things to note: My husband and I have started thinking about wall paint colours for the nursery. We are going to start decorating after Christmas and I am so excited!! I think we are going to go and get some paint samples at the weekend, which will be lovely :)

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