Monday, 24 March 2014

Mini Haul

Hi everyone!
So for a few weeks now I have noticed that the skin on my face is just horrendous at the minute. It feels really dry and dehydrated and my makeup doesn't really go on very well. It was making me really miserable so I decided to do something about it. I was using the Tea Tree Foaming Cleanser and the Tea Tree Toner from The Body Shop but I think that as contributing to my skin becoming really dry and dehydrated. So I stopped using that and I was being disgusting and lazy and literally just using a cheapy face wash from Asda. I know, disgusting! 

So I decided enough was enough and today I went on the hunt for a new skin care range. Now, I am extremely skint at the minute and you may or may not know how difficult it is to find a decent beauty product while you're on a budget. I was stood in both Boots and Superdrug looking at all the products thinking 'Well I've used that before and didn't like it'. You wouldn't think that there were so many products that I had already used and didn't like! 

I saw the Botanics range in Boots and thought the bottles looked really bright and pretty and what stood out to me the most was the fact that they were all for brightening the skin, which is just what my skin needs at the minute. All of these products contain Hibiscus, which is apparently natures brightness booster and a wonderful hue of pink! Natural AHA's from the flower act as mild exfoliators to help leave skin smoother and brighter. Great, just what I need! I got a soothing eye makeup remover, cleansing foam wash, gentle cleansing cream, cleansing toner and purifying face scrub. Now, these products are suitable for all skin types so I know that I should have bought something specifically for dry skin, but I literally couldn't find anything that was designed just for dry skin. It was ridiculous, everything was for oily or combination skin! 

I wasn't overly impressed with the moisturisers in the Botanics range so I went over to Superdrug and found this really pretty Olay Beauty Fluid for normal/dry/combination skin. I must admit I only actually bought this for the pretty bottle, the fact its for dry skin was just an added bonus!

I also bought two Baby Lips lip balms because I have heard so much about them lately and I really wanted to give them a try. In Superdrug at the minute they have buy one get one half price on all Maybelline products, so I thought why not! I always always have dry lips so I bought the Hydrate one and an Intense Care one.

Overall, I am very happy with my purchases today and I didn't spend more than £20! Once I have given all these products a good try and have decided if they are any good I will do a review post on them :)

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Liebster Award

Thankyou to the lovely Valeria over at InstantValeria for nominating me for The Liebster Award. It is such a good idea because its great for blogs just starting out to build up their followers! 

The Rules: 
- thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
- answer 11 questions about yourself, which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you.
- provide 11 random facts about yourself.
- nominate 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have less than 1000 followers.
- create a new list of 11 questions for the blogger to answer
- list these rules in your post.
- let the bloggers know that you have nominated them.

So here goes!
11 Random facts about myself:
- I am beauty and body therapy trained
- I own a cat named Alfie
- I love to bake
- My favourite programme to watch is The Millionaire Matchmaker
- My favourite food is Italian
- I absolutely love a good candle
- I serve people the perfect coffee for a living
- My engagement ring was specifically made for me, and was named the Ashleigh ring
- I love a good cup of tea
- I think there is nothing better than having fresh flowers around my home
- I was born in the wrong era, I should have been born in the 20th century

11 questions asked to me by Valeria:
1. What's your favourite item from your wardrobe?
Probably an odd answer, but it has to be my wedding dress. I will never wear it again, but I loved my wedding dress. It was so simple and vintage! It was a nice knee-length off white colour which I wore with bright red heels as it was winter and I wanted to bring a bit of colour to the snowy day!

2. Where do you go if you want to think about things?
Bed! I love my bed so much, I would stay there forever if it was socially acceptable.

3. Favourite song at the moment?
I only listen to Christian worship music. I can't stand chart music. So recently my favourite song I have been listening to is one off my Auntie's new album called 'We Will Bow'. You can check out her album here.

4. Must have for spring/summer?
For me, its a good handcream! My hands get so chapped and sore over the winter they have to recover over the spring/summer time. Recently I have been using Garnier Intensive 7 Days for dry to extra dry hands.

5. If you could move to another country, which one would it be?
I'd love to move somewhere like Australia but I couldn't deal with all the creepy crawleys! Best just to stay in the UK haha.

6. Make up product you can't live without?
I'm going to cheat and say two. Foundation and mascara. My skin is an awful colour without foundation on and my eyes are so tiny when I don't have mascara on!

7. Favourite book?
Easy, the Bible. I never read it as much as I should though. I have just started reading a book called 66 Love Letters which helps readers to make sense of each book of the Bible. It encourages the reader to read each book of the Bible in correlation with the book the writer is talking about in each chapter of 66 Love Letters. 

8. Favourite apps/website?
Probably just the boring Facebook and Instagram.

9. Whats your favourite leisure activity and why?
I love going for nice walks because there's no better feeling than taking in a big deep breath of fresh air!

10. What would you do if you won a large amount of money?
I don't believe in gambling and I believe that winning money from the lottery or a competition is a form of gambling so if there was some way that I happened to win, I would give the whole lot to charity. I'd have to give it a long hard think as to which charity though. I wouldn't be any worse off by donating it all, it would be as if I never had it! 

11. Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because I had been following a couple of peoples blogs and vlogs and thought it looked fun! So I thought I would give it a try :) 

Rosie - Rose Gold
Lillie B - Lillie - B
Jasmin - Very Tropical
Courtney - La Belle Sirene
Joanne - Fashion Oh
Victoria - Victoria Belle xo

1. What is your favourite beauty product?
2. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
3. What is your favourite film?
4. What do people like about you best?
5. What do you do in your spare time?
6. What is your best childhood memory?
7. Favourite meal?
8. What makes you laugh?
9. Which 5 words describe you best?
10. Tea or coffee?
11. What do you want to accomplish in life?

Thanks for reading and I hope that my nominees enjoy doing this as much as I did :) x 


Whittard Of Chelsea Strawberry White Hot Chocolate ¦ Review

Hi everyone!
First of all can I just thank everyone who has followed my blog on bloglovin. I am almost at 100 followers and I have only had my blog up and running a little over a week! Thanks everyone :)

So, I bought this hot chocolate for my husband because he has been loving his hot chocolate lately while he has been doing his dissertation for uni. I thought it would be a nice idea to get him something extra special besides the usual Cadburys hot chocolate because he has been working so hard lately and he deserved a little treat! 
I know that I have mentioned before that me and my husband love anything strawberry related so when I saw this Strawberry White Hot Chocolate on the Whittards of Chelsea website I just had to get it! And my goodness, it is absolutely delicious! It tastes so milky and lovely it reminds me of a Milkybar only with an added taste of strawberry. 
I ordered this online and took advantage of the 10% off your first order so overall this transaction came to £7.95 including p&p. A little pricey but fine for a one off treat in my eyes. Especially when it tasted so yummy! 
It comes in a lovely designed, generous 375g tub which will last us a while. You have to use hot milk with it instead of just using water from the kettle, so while this may seem like a hassle to some it really adds to the taste.

So overall, I was really pleased with this purchase and I am really looking forward to trying some other flavours from Whittards of Chelsea.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Avon Gel Finish Nail Enamel ¦ Review

Hi everyone!
As I said in my previous post I am an Independent Avon Representative which means that I get to try out products before anyone else. Avon has just released this new nail polish range called Gel Finish Nail Enamel. You can now get the salon look at home with these new gel nail polishes that do not require a UV lamp to set them. They are available in 24 different shades, all as beautiful as each other. I couldn't wait to try these new polishes!

I do not often wear nail polish as I am not allowed it on at work, but when I do wear it I prefer neutral or natural looking colours so I opted for three natural colours and one bold colour just to see how well they go on. They were a dream to paint on and literally took no longer than two minutes to dry. Great for if you are in a rush. Or if you are like me and are the most impatient girl in the world when it comes to waiting for your nails to dry! 

I have had Shellac on before and what I loved about it was that it stayed on without chipping. Great for a housewife, like me, as I hate when I paint my nails then have cleaning to do and they just ruin straight away. So I love that now, thanks to Avon, I can get this at home for a fraction of the price and without all the faff! At the salon you can pay up to £25 whereas with Avon's half price introductory offer you can get these polishes for £3.50 each! So amazing and so worth it in my eyes! 

In order: Dazzle Pink, Perfectly Plum, Creme Brulee, Sheer Love
Another great feature of these Gel Polishes is that they come off with normal nail polish remover! Unlike Shellac where you have to go back to the salon to get them removed, costing you more money. 

So these gel polishes are 5 benefits in 1:

1. Gel-like shine: high gloss finish that strengthens nails by up to 42%
2. 3-in-1: top coat, base coat and intense colour in one bottle!
3. Intense colour: full coverage and rich colour in just one coat
4. No UV lamp: gives a gel like finish without the need for UV lamps
5. Salon finish at home: for that impeccable, just stepped out the salon finish, without the price tag!

I was really excited to receive these products and as always Avon never lets me down with the great quality and low prices of their products. I am loving these Gel polishes so far and would definitely recommend these to those of you who, like me, don't often get along with regular nail polish.

You can order from my online brochure here.
Or you can find your nearest Avon representative here.

Avon Fleur Perfume ¦ Review

Hi everyone!
I am an Independent Avon Representative and as a perk of this job I get to try the products before anyone else! I love it. So I decided that I really wanted to try this perfume because it looks so summery and bright and the weather we have been having in the North East lately has really excited me. 

So obviously Fleur is the french word for flower which explains the pretty flower attached to the side of the bottle. I was so excited when I opened the box and saw this! It just adds a special sort of cuteness to the already gorgeously coloured bottle. The name Fleur also really explains the smell of the perfume. It has such a floral scent with hints of an underlying fruitiness. Avon describe this perfume by saying 'A burst of mandarin and mango, mingled with Bulgarian rose and finished with delicious blue iris." 

As soon as I sprayed this perfume on I fell in love with the scent and I can tell already that this is going to be my go-to perfume for this summer! What makes it even better is that it is an Eau de Parfum instead of just an Eau de Toilette which I find don't last as long on your skin. It is also a generous 50ml bottle so definitely worth the £9 it costs. The cheapest Eau de Parfum I've ever come across!  

I would definitely recommend this product to anyone who is after a change of scent for this summer. As always Avon you never let me down!

You can order from my online brochure here.
Or you can find your nearest Avon representative here

Saturday, 15 March 2014

My Top 10 Learnt Life Lessons

So I thought I would do a life lessons blogpost. I have been through some trials in my life as I know we all have and its always nice to reflect on those trials and see the silver lining in all of them and to know that it wasn't all for a bad cause, that we learnt something from them and they shaped us into the beautiful, strong people we are today.

1. Trust God
I'm a natural worrier. I can't help it, I just worry about everything and anything. But there's really no point. When I look back at certain things I see now that there is no point in my worrying because it didn't change the outcome of anything. God knows exactly whats going to happen in our lives, and he knows just how much we can and can't handle. It's one less thing to worry about! 
    - Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has       enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

2. Always Be Honest
I understand that this can sometimes be a hard one, as sometimes there are some things we would rather not share with others, like for example our feelings. It's always best to just be honest in the first place, the truth always comes out eventually. 

3. "Just Smile And Wave Boys, Smile And Wave"
This is one that I have actually learnt recently. When someone makes a habit of putting you down or hurting your feelings you then have the choice of whether you will let it hurt your feelings or whether like the quote says you will just stand with a huge smile on your face and a thick skin. In the long run, its better for your own sanity and happiness not to let people hurt your feelings, especially when they mean nothing to you. Its best not to get into arguments when people annoy you. More often than not, it will be you that's left hurting.

4. Don't Let The Past Predict Your Future
Never ever let a past interpretation of who you are go into your future. Its called the past for a reason. People change and you can be a completely different person from one year to the next. Do not let the things and people of your past determine your happiness in the future. 

5. Eat And Be Happy
There's nothing I love more than food. I am a serious foodie. I have wasted countless days in my life making myself miserable by trying to stick to a diet. Seriously, stuff it! If your weight is not causing any health threats to your life, then just eat and be happy. As long as you incorporate healthy foods into your diet and you try to maintain a balanced diet, then eat the ice cream every so often, have the cake, indulge in the monster size bag of crisps! I for one will never judge you! 

6. "Everything Will Be Okay In The End, If It's Not Okay, It's Not The End"
This single quote alone has gotten me through some really tough times. I heard this quote probably about seven years ago and it has stuck with me and probably will for my whole life. 

7. Be Content With What You've Got
I'm a girl, I love to want things I can't have. But at the same time when I really sit and look at all that I've got I feel so blessed and content. I really couldn't ask for a better life, a better husband, or a better family. As long as I have got these things, I am content :) 

8. As Demi Lovato Would Say "Love Like You've Never Been Broken'
We have all had our high and low points in life. Every single person has had their fair share of heartbreak. But that shouldn't stop us from loving again, we have to take that risk in order to reach happiness. How do we know that we haven't missed the love of our lives by being so boarded up? 
    - Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game. (A Cinderella Story)

9. Don't Be Afraid To Cry
I am a serious crier. I never used to be! I used to hard as nails. But sometimes a good cry is all you need. You should never try and keep it in, it doesn't mean you're not strong because you have a cry every once in a while. It's actually the opposite. You're strong because you know how to deal with your emotions! If you need to cry, then cry. I guarantee you will feel better.  

10. Always Eat The Last Cookie
I'm serious. Don't ask somebody else if they want it because chances are they will say yes and you will be cookie-less! It doesn't make you selfish, it makes you smart ;) They wouldn't ask you if you wanted it! 

So that's it. My Top 10 Learnt Life Lessons. I hope that I have inspired you as much as all these things have inspired me throughout my life :)    


Easy To Make Homemade Almond Milk

I am always on the lookout for new interesting things to make, so I decided to try my hand at making some homemade fresh almond milk! Did you know that humans were not built to digest cows milk and we are not actually meant to drink it? I did not know this, so naturally when I found this out I started looking for a healthy alternative. I chose to make some almond milk as I love trying anything new, and I love creating things in my kitchen! Almond milk is especially good for you and here are a few reasons why: 

- It helps with weight management
- It keeps your heart healthy due to their being no cholesterol or saturated fat in almond milk
- It keeps your bones strong
- It keeps your skin glowing as it contains 50% of the recommended daily amount of Vitamin E 
- It barely impacts your blood sugar
- It contributes to muscle health and healing
- It keeps your digestion in check 
- It doesn't contain lactose so a great alternative for those who are intolerant!
- Some say it tastes better than cows milk
- It's easy to make (and I can vouch for that!)

So lots of reasons to choose almond milk as a supplement or even just a once in a while change from dairy milk! 

So here's how I made my almond milk. It was so quick and easy! 

1 cup raw almonds
2 cups water, plus more for soaking
Sweeteners like honey, sugar, agave syrup, or maple syrup, to taste (optional)

Measuring cup
Blender or food processor (I used a blender)
Fine-mesh nut bag or cheese cloth (I used a muslin square cloth)


  1. Soak the almonds overnight or up to 2 days. Place the almonds in a bowl and cover with about an inch of water. They will plump as they absorb water. Let stand, uncovered, overnight or up to 2 days. The longer the almonds soak, the creamier the almond milk.
  2. Drain and rinse the almonds. Drain the almonds from their soaking water and rinse them thoroughly under cool running water. At this point, the almonds should feel a little squishy if you pinch them.
  3. Combine the almonds and water in a blender. Place the almonds in the blender and cover with 2 cups of water. 
  4. Blend at the highest speed for 2 minutes. Pulse the blender a few times to break up the almonds, then blend continuously for two minutes. The almonds should be broken down into a very fine meal and the water should be white and opaque. (If using a food processor, process for 4 minutes total, pausing to scrape down the sides halfway through.)
  5. Strain the almonds. Line the strainer with either the opened nut bag or cheese cloth, and place over a measuring cup. Pour the almond mixture into the strainer. 
  6. Press all the almond milk from the almond meal. Gather the nut bag or cheese cloth around the almond meal and twist close. Squeeze and press with clean hands to extract as much almond milk as possible. You should get about 2 cups. 
  7. Sweeten to taste. Taste the almond milk, and if a sweeter drink is desired, add sweetener to taste.
  8. Refrigerate almond milk. Store the almond milk in sealed containers in the fridge for up to two days.

So thats it! It may seem like there is alot to this recipe but it really takes no longer than 10 minutes once your almonds have been soaked for a few nights. The almond milk has a very sweet taste. I put some on my cereal one morning and found that I couldn't finish it, so I find that it is best in small doses. I will have to find a way to make it not so sweet! But other than that it is a really lovely alternative to cows milk and I recommend you all give it a go! :) 

Friday, 14 March 2014

Thomas Sabo Charm Club Charm Carrier Bracelet ¦ Review

So last month it was my 21st birthday and my Nana asked me to look at some jewelry to give her an idea of what I wanted off her. But me being me, of course I could not decide what I wanted. I'm always so indecisive with everything! So I told my cousin to go along with my Nana and to just surprise me. And am I glad that I did! I would never have been able to choose such a perfect gift for myself. She got me the Thomas Sabo Charm Club Charm Carrier bracelet. I adore it! It is so classy and subtle unlike other charm bracelets which are totally in your face. This one just sits nicely on your wrist and compliments any outfit. 

The two accessories that my Nana chose for me to go with my bracelet were obviously the 21 as it was my 21st birthday, but also the love heart which I just think is so cute! What I love about Thomas Sabo is that there are so many of the accessories to choose from, but they are all equally as classy as each other. I have already chosen a list of them off the website that I want, and I've told my husband which one he is buying me! I loved how this bracelet was wrapped. They pay so much attention to detail and I love how affordable they are. 

The bracelet itself is made from silver, so I know that it will last. I only wear mine on occasions though as I am so clumsy most of the time that I'm frightened I might break it! Overall, this is such a lovely gift for any woman, and totally affordable which is what we all like to hear! May even make a good gift idea for the upcoming Mothers Day!  

What's In My Bag?

I thought it would be nice to do a What's In My Bag? blog post as I love looking at what other people have in their bags, and its one of my fav videos to watch on YouTube. And lets be honest, I'm a girl and I love to show off my handbags! 

The bag that I am using at the minute is the Michael Kors Jet Set Top Tote. My mam had bought this bag while she was in London last year but found that it hurt her shoulder when she was carrying it for a long length of time. Well for me, I just love bags and especially that it was Michael Kors and I had been lusting after one for ages, I was over the moon when she asked if I wanted it! I couldn't get it off her quick enough. 

I love this bag! I often wear my bag on my forearm instead of on my shoulder so I don't find that it cuts into my shoulder like my mam did. With the long straps it makes it very easy to hold. There is so much storage in this bag which can be a good thing, but for me it is just an excuse to load it full of receipts and other rubbish! Even still, this bag is just gorgeous and one of my favourites that I own! 

My purse is also Michael Kors. Its the Michael Kors Exclusive iPhone® 3Gs, 4s & 4 Wallet, Black Snake-Embossed and again off my mam. Some call me spoiled, others call me loved! If the boot fits ;). 

I always carry a hand cream of some sort with me as in the colder weather I am very prone to dry hands. Right now I have the Avon Care Cocoa Butter with me. I love this cream, it makes my hands smell like chocolate and leaves them super soft. I also always carry deodorant and body spray. I use Vaseline Aloe Sensitive 48h Protection. This smell reminds of when I went to Spain last year so thats always a bonus! The body spray that I am using at the minute is another gem from Avon called Sensuelle. I also carry my Body Shop shea perfume my husband bought me for Christmas. Working in a coffee shop can leave you smelling a bit off, which is why I carry so many smellies! 

As for lip care in my bag at the minute I carry two lip balms from The Body Shop (of course), one in Raspberry and another in Passionberry. These are delicious, not only do they make your lips soft but they smell good and they colour your lips so they double up as a lipgloss! I also have in my bag my Mac Lipstick in Hue and my Body Shop mint lipgloss to make my lips look glossy when I have my lipstick on. 

Other bits and pieces in my bag are my Barclays PINsentry so I can log onto my online banking wherever I go. My swipe card for work, if I don't leave it in my bag I always forget it! I have my glasses in their case and a nice little black pouch where I put my engagement ring when I am at work as I'm sure no one would begrudge me if they found a diamond fallen into their drink but to be honest I don't fancy sharing my beauty!

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Extremely Easy and Healthy Homemade Vitamin Water!

So for a while now I have become more aware of the types of foods that I have been putting into my body and how I'm probably not doing myself any favours eating the way that I am. So recently I have been researching different ways of getting all the nutrients into my body without really trying too much, as I do work part time and am a housewife there just isn't enough hours in the day to spend hours cooking extravagant healthy meals and lets face it, who has the bank balance to do so? It just doesn't seem fair to me that all the foods that are good for you are so expensive and all the unhealthy sluggish food is so cheap! To me it makes sense for it to be the other way round so more people would eat right. 

So during my research I came across a beautiful blog called and found her edition of vitamin water! They just looked so pretty and tasty that I had to give it a go! I chose to make a cucumber vitamin water. Literally all you do is chop up some cucumber, place in a jar of water and leave to infuse in the fridge overnight! It is that simple. The next morning when you wake up it is so tasty and so refreshing! 

Cucumbers are so healthy for you and leaving them in the water and then drinking, draws out all the health benefits. Not only do cucumbers have most of the vitamins the body needs in one single day,  but they keep the body hydrated while helping to emilinate nasty toxins from the body. Cucumbers are known to have properties in them that help to reduce the risk of several cancer types, such as, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer and prostate cancer. So if ever there was a reason to choose cucumber, this is it! 

It is a great idea to drink cucumber vitamin water first thing in the morning as cucumbers are known to aid in weight loss and digestion due to its low calorie and high water content. So basically, you're set for the rest of the day! 

The blog where I found the idea for the vitamin water had the water in cute little jars and luckily I have a bunch of jars in my cupboard from the one time I ever made jam (I'd definitely like to make it again!) so thought it would be nice to copy her idea, and it certainly does make them look unique and different! 

Vitamin water is a great way of revitilising and refreshing in the morning and during the day, and the health benefits come in abundance. They're so quick and easy to make and you can use just about any fruit or veg you have in your fridge. So why wouldn't you want to do your body the favour?! 

I also made a strawberry and basil vitamin water, which was delicious! 

Do you have any tasty vitamin water combinations I could try? 

The Body Shop Body Butters ¦ Review

Anyone who knows me knows how much I am in love with The Body Shop. Not only just The Body Shop, but more specifically the body butters from The Body Shop. I simply cannot get enough of them. There is nothing I love more than climbing out of a gorgeous hot shower of a morning and lathering on a thick layer of beautifully rich body butter. I have been demanded by my husband that I am strictly banned from buying anymore body butters until I have used all the ones that I have. Well, what he doesn't know won't harm him!

My ultimate favourite scent from The Body Shop is all things strawberry! So I was overjoyed when I learnt they had a strawberry body butter (hydration for normal skin). So not only could I smell like a strawberry in the shower, but I could smell like one all day after my shower. The body butters are so rich that they leave their fragrance on your skin for the whole day. So when I'm overheated from running round work on a busy day, I am not only as red as a strawberry, but I smell like one too! It's awesome! On the tubs they have the 24hour sign, and I definitely agree that they leave your skin feeling soft for this long. They are all made with Shea Butter so no wonder they leave your skin so soft! 

Not only does the scent stay on your skin all day, but so does the softness the butters bring. Unlike moisturisers which I find just soak into the skin within an hour or so and leave no lasting impact, the butters leave your skin feeling soft and hydrated for the full day, which is great, the scent is just an added bonus!

All the body butters are 200ml, 6.7Oz, 912g. I have found that even though I lather on these body butters like they're going out of fashion they last for ages. So they are totally worth spending the quite expensive £13 that they cost.

What's even greater about The Body Shop is that they use all Community Fair Trade products and ingredients so even though I'm not a major Fair Trade fanatic, it's still nice to know that while I'm in body butter heaven, I am doing my bit for the community.  

Other body butters that I have are the Ginger Sparkle (hydration for all skin types), Passionfruit (hydration for dry skin) and the Coconut body butter (hydration for dry skin), each smelling absolutely divine. 

It's always a good idea to keep your eye on the sale section too because I had been lusting after the Passionfruit body butter for months but the hubbie had already put the ban on no more body butters, so when I went into The Body Shop on my birthday to get my free gift, I was so excited to find that the Passionfruit butter was in the sale section for £5!! Absolute bargain, and SO worth it! 

I have also noticed that they have introduced a new Special Edition body butter smelling of blueberry and it smells so good! I asked the sale assistant how long they were keeping it in stock and she said roughly about 4 months, so plenty of time to talk my husband round! 

If you love the feeling of soft skin, and of a gorgeous smelling, long lasting body butter, then I definitely recommend you get down to your nearest Body Shop and get lost in the endless choice of Body Butters they have! You're welcome in advance ;) 
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