Monday, 24 March 2014

Mini Haul

Hi everyone!
So for a few weeks now I have noticed that the skin on my face is just horrendous at the minute. It feels really dry and dehydrated and my makeup doesn't really go on very well. It was making me really miserable so I decided to do something about it. I was using the Tea Tree Foaming Cleanser and the Tea Tree Toner from The Body Shop but I think that as contributing to my skin becoming really dry and dehydrated. So I stopped using that and I was being disgusting and lazy and literally just using a cheapy face wash from Asda. I know, disgusting! 

So I decided enough was enough and today I went on the hunt for a new skin care range. Now, I am extremely skint at the minute and you may or may not know how difficult it is to find a decent beauty product while you're on a budget. I was stood in both Boots and Superdrug looking at all the products thinking 'Well I've used that before and didn't like it'. You wouldn't think that there were so many products that I had already used and didn't like! 

I saw the Botanics range in Boots and thought the bottles looked really bright and pretty and what stood out to me the most was the fact that they were all for brightening the skin, which is just what my skin needs at the minute. All of these products contain Hibiscus, which is apparently natures brightness booster and a wonderful hue of pink! Natural AHA's from the flower act as mild exfoliators to help leave skin smoother and brighter. Great, just what I need! I got a soothing eye makeup remover, cleansing foam wash, gentle cleansing cream, cleansing toner and purifying face scrub. Now, these products are suitable for all skin types so I know that I should have bought something specifically for dry skin, but I literally couldn't find anything that was designed just for dry skin. It was ridiculous, everything was for oily or combination skin! 

I wasn't overly impressed with the moisturisers in the Botanics range so I went over to Superdrug and found this really pretty Olay Beauty Fluid for normal/dry/combination skin. I must admit I only actually bought this for the pretty bottle, the fact its for dry skin was just an added bonus!

I also bought two Baby Lips lip balms because I have heard so much about them lately and I really wanted to give them a try. In Superdrug at the minute they have buy one get one half price on all Maybelline products, so I thought why not! I always always have dry lips so I bought the Hydrate one and an Intense Care one.

Overall, I am very happy with my purchases today and I didn't spend more than £20! Once I have given all these products a good try and have decided if they are any good I will do a review post on them :)

1 comment

  1. I've been tempted by the Olay Beauty Fluid just because of the pretty bottle too :') Can't believe you got all that for under £20! Gotta love Boots 3 for 2s haha

    Ellie xx |


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