Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Natural Everyday Makeup Look

On an average day I don't do anything extravagant with my makeup. I like to spend no more than 10 minutes of a morning applying my makeup, so I like to keep it nice and natural. Here are the products I used to achieve this look.. 

For the base:

For the cheeks:

For the eyes:

For the brows:
MAC eyeshadow in colour Bateau

For the lips:

I managed to link all the products I used except from my Mac eyeshadow, I think they must have discontinued it but I'm sure you'll be able to find a similar colour.


  1. I have that MUA blush in that exact shade. I'm not as impressed with it but glad you love it as it looks gorgeous on you! xx

    Beauty Soup | UK Beauty Blog

    1. I was the same at first, when I first used it I was like, what the hell is this?
      But the more I worked with it and became used to it the easier it is to apply nicely. The way that I do it is I place a tiny amount on the apples of my cheeks and then blend it back along my cheekbones, then I take my Real Techniques buffing brush and buff it into my skin. For £1 I suppose it doesn't really make a difference if you get along with it or not, but I was determined haha!
      Thanks for your comment :) xx

  2. Your eyeliner looks amazing!! I'm so jealous haha, winged eyeliner is always what takes me an age to do xx

    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. Aw thankyou. I've been wearing winged eyeliner for about 5/6 years now but I still have my days when I just can't get it right haha its definitely just one of those things. Practice makes perfect, and even then it sometimes doesn't haha

      Thankyou for your comment :) xx

  3. This is such a pretty everyday look! I dont always like to go all out with my make up either :)


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