Monday, 9 March 2015

Review | Rimmel Exaggerate EastEnd Snob Lip Liner

I have never been a big lover of lipsticks or glosses, and definitely never lip liners. But ever since I have found the formula to getting gorgeously soft lips (find out here) I have become more adventurous with my lips. I have been purchasing more lip products in colours that I would never usually go for, and let me say it has been really fun! I am loving my new soft coloured lips!

I have read so many reviews on the Rimmel Exaggerate Lip Liner in the colour Eastend Snob so last week when I was in Superdrug I decided to pick one up. For a mere £3.99 who could grumble? The first time I applied this lip liner I was in a rush and didn't really take the time to prep my lips first, and I found that the formula was really tacky and sticky on my lips. I was really disappointed as I had expected great things! However, I tried again a few days later where I applied a lip moisturiser first and then applied the liner. It went on gorgeously and although still a little sticky, it was nothing like it was the first time I had tried it, thank goodness! I found that while this lip liner didn't last all day, it definitely lasted a few hours, even through eating and drinking!

I absolutely love the colour of this lip liner, it's a sort of nude matte pink and looks really nice on its own or paired with a pink toned lipstick over the top. I can see why people have been using this as a way of recreating the 'Kylie Jenner lip' as it's definitely a similar colour to the one she wears. 

I am glad that I picked up this lip liner and I really would like to try the other colours in the Exaggerate lip liner range. Have you tried this product? What colour would you recommend I try next?

Saturday, 7 March 2015

February Favourites

I'm a little bit late with my February favourites this month as I've had a pretty horrendous week and I've only just gotten round to it! 

The first thing I have been loving this month is my Cranberry Ice Yankee candle. As you can probably tell by the photo this candle is very well loved. I've only had this candle for a few weeks and it's already almost halfway burnt down that's how often I have it lit! I just adore the smell, and it really makes my whole flat smell delicious!

Next this month I have been using the Sanctuary Spa Cleansing Burst Body Wash. I adore anything Sanctuary, the smell is just something else. It's my all time favourite scent for bath and body! I even have a Sanctuary perfume, and I have a Sanctuary reed diffuser in my bathroom. The obsession is real people!

Next in my February favs is the Palmers Cocoa Butter for stretch marks. I am 38 weeks pregnant and the past two weeks I have developed stretch marks out of nowhere and they've been really sore and itchy. I received this sample size Palmers Cocoa Butter in the Emma's Diary Voucher Packs (review here.) and I have been using this every day and while it doesn't get rid of the stretch marks it definitely takes the itch away and leaves them feeling moisturised. I will definitely be picking up a full size bottle as I'm almost finished this sample size.

Also this month I have been all over the Blistex Intensive Moisturiser for your lips (review here.). This is has literally become my holy grail! I have tried so many lip products to help with my dry lips and nothing works, that is until I picked this moisturiser up! It is amazing, definitely worthy of a space in my February favourites.

Finally, as a spin off to the Blistex moisturiser, I have been loving this Maybelline Colour Sensational lipstick in the colour Summer Pink. I never usually wear anything on my lips as they are always so dry and chapped but since I have been using the Blistex moisturiser my lips have been conditioned enough to wear lipstick and this colour is gorgeous!

So that's it for my February favourites! I can't believe that it is March already and that this month our son will be born! I hope everyone has a lovely March too :)

Friday, 6 March 2015

Pregnancy | 38 Weeks

How far along? 38 weeks and 3 days.

Baby's size: He is the size of a swiss chard, whatever that is! Measuring 19-22 inches long and weighing approximately 6.5lbs although I guarantee he is more than this!

Total weight gain: Still haven't weighed myself but I'm starting to see that I am putting weight on my face.

Maternity clothes: Yep, nothing else fits!

Best moment this week: I can't think of any good moments this week, we have had a horrendous week. On Sunday afternoon I started getting awful cramp in my back that got so bad we decided to go into the hospital where they checked me, and I was only 1cm dilated so they sent us home with some codeine for me. The back pain kept getting worse so we ordered a TENS machine which really helped. Then on Monday I started to have a bloody show, and on Tuesday I was having regular painful contractions for two hours, but they just all of a sudden stopped and I have had nothing since! We honestly don't know whether we are coming or going this week! Then on Wednesday we found out that I am Group B Strep positive so I have to have IV antibiotics during labour to prevent the infection passing on to the baby. WHAT A WEEK!

Miss anything? Being able to sit comfortably! The most comfortable seat in the house is my gym ball.

Movement? Yep, all the time.

Food cravings: Still lemonade, and all I've wanted for days is some nachos, cheese, salsa and jalapeño peppers from the cinema.  

Anything making you queasy or sick? Still just when I get hungry.

Gender: Boy.

Symptoms: Back ache and cramp, braxton hicks, leg cramps, swollen ankles, carpal tunnel, still losing mucus plug and have had a bloody show. Hopefully this means things are moving along and it won't be too long now until he is born.

Belly button in or out? Out.

Looking forward to: Having a baby instead of a bump! I just can't wait to get him here so that I know he is safe and healthy.

Other fun things to note: My mam has decided to come up early since I have been having so many signs so I am really looking forward to having her here. We are planning on going for long walks and eating lots of spicy foods!

Monday, 2 March 2015

Avon Haul

I buy from the Avon pretty regularly and I'm never disappointed by their products. I know a lot of people don't often think of Avon when it comes to beauty, as there seems to be this stigma attached to Avon that its for older women. It's really not and they have some gorgeous products!

I'm an independent Avon representative so I get to try the products before they are released for a cheaper price than what will be in the brochure. I love doing the Avon, however I'm on maternity leave at the moment but that doesn't stop me ordering just for me! 

So everything I ordered this time are things that haven't been released into the main brochure yet but they will be very soon, so if you see anything you like keep your eyes open for them as they will be out soon!

First of all I ordered two new nail varnishes. These are from their new Magic Effects Matte range. I picked up the colours Black and Inky Blue. I have the colour Inky Blue on my nails at the minute, and I must say that I'm not sure on the Matte effect, however I will say that the colour is gorgeous and it dries super fast which is always what I look for in a nail varnish.

Next I ordered a new shower gel, not that I needed one as I have enough bath and shower products to last me a lifetime, seriously! I always find that the Avon shower gels are such pretty scents and they work lovely on my skin, and they're not expensive at all! I picked up their newest scent of Pink Daisy & Sicilian Lemon. This scent will also be available in a body lotion and a scented spritz.

I also ordered some bubble bath as I always do! My absolute favourite bubble bath is from Avon. They do so many yummy fragrances and they bubble up so nicely, I don't tend to use any other brand of bubble bath. The fragrance I picked up was their new release of White Tea & Jasmine. I haven't used this yet but I'm excited to try it!

Next I ordered a new face mask from their Planet Spa range. This is the Bali Botanica with Frangipani & Lemongrass Face Mask. I've never used anything from the Planet Spa range, but I am looking forward to trying out this face mask!

Finally I ordered some pyjamas. I already have two other pairs of Avon pyjamas in the same style but with different patterns. I love these kind of pyjamas with the legging type bottoms and strap top. They're so comfortable just for lounging around the house and when I saw this gorgeous, pretty pink design I just had to order them! I can't wait to put them on. In case any of you are wanting to order these pyjamas they are called the Coralicious Legging PJ's. You can find your local Avon representative, here.

So that's all for my Avon haul, what have you been buying recently?
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